5 Ways To Have An Ideal TTP & Chill Weekend

5 Ways To Have An Ideal TTP & Chill Weekend

In recent times, weekends are anything but unusual for us, given the WFH culture gradually creeping into our lives with no signs of leaving. No matter who you are speaking to, they would readily agree on how the lines between weekdays and weekends have become blurred. But don’t worry, we get you and the boredom you feel when there isn’t anything ‘happening’ to look up to even on non-work days. Here is a list of the top 5 super chilled activities you can do at home with The Theatre Project to add on some flavor to your weekend!

  1. Have a movie marathon

    If you haven’t tried using the TeleParty plug-in yet, it’s not too late to jump on the train. This life-saver feature allows you to watch movies and shows that are available on popular streaming platforms, along with your friends at the same time! You can even chat while the movie is on. Doesn’t this make the entire movie-watching experience a lot more fun? Of course, if you’d rather watch your favorite movies by yourself, you can set up a movie night session just to add-on to the theatre mood. With friends or without, you’ll never really be alone when The Theatre Project’s gourmet snacks are by your side!

  2. Cook for your soul

    If you’ve been cooking for yourself for quite some time, you’d know the difference between- cooking daily to fill your tummy and cooking to fill your soul. On weekends we recommend you do the latter one. It’s very rare to find the time and energy on the weekdays to cook something you would actually love preparing and relishing too. You need not spend your entire day in the kitchen in an attempt to cook something fancy. Instead, a quick and easy sandwich would do the job too! Put on some feel-good music to accompany you and just make sure you enjoy the process.

  3. Do that uch-awaited catch-up session

    You have friends awaiting you to call back and family members dying to get an update from you. A not-so-quick and hasty call with them might sound dreadful while we speak of it, but trust us, you’ll love it as soon as they pick up the phone. With limited options to stay connected these days, it’s never a bad idea to ring your long-lost best friend or your annoying sibling. So grab a cup of coffee and your favorite TTP snacks and bring on the priceless phone calls!

  4. Relax- your way

    We aren’t going to bug you with recommendations to exercise or do yoga. It’s okay to have your own way of relaxing. Our point is that you need to reserve some time for it. Be it spending an hour on the balcony watching the birds chirp and the sunset or playing some rowdy music and dancing your heart out to it- do what works for you to get back and have an amazing week ahead.

  5. Host a virtual party

    There is nothing like reliving those quarterly house party days while staying in the comfort of your home! Invite a few friends to join you on a video call and grab your drinks, arrange some virtual games and enjoy the night. Oh! And don’t forget to dress right for the party, it always helps set the vibe right. If you are in a mood to surprise your group, send them a TTP hamper so that they can enjoy it as much as you do!

Staying at home on the weekends might seem like an endless battle to have to fight with your mind, but you can always make it flavorsome with a little twist. Head over to our products page to place an order and stock up your favorite TTP snacks right away!
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