Impact Of the Pandemic On Movie Theatres and How TTP Is Trying To Help

Impact Of the Pandemic On Movie Theatres and How TTP Is Trying To Help

It’s been over a year since the pandemic has struck our country and we are yet to come out of this critical situation. During this period, various industries have fallen prey to the crisis, one of them largely being our movie theatres. To support this industry, TTP has started a small initiative of making donations to the cinema employee welfare fund. To know more, continue reading till the end.

In India, movie theatres have been a source of entertainment for audiences from all segments, be it rich or poor. Movie theatres had formed a place in all our hearts and they were the first hang-out place that would pop on our minds while making plans with our friends and family. Even though OTT platforms were introduced before 2020, they never replaced cinema theatres. They were an alternative but true movie lovers always enjoyed watching their favorite films on the big screen. Unlike other industries, movie theatres have been more affected by the pandemic than we think.

Audiences unlike in the early years have shifted to OTT platforms without a choice. Blockbuster movies or the ₹100 & ₹200 crore movies as we call them are now being displayed on these platforms too. While there will always be an alternative solution to solve a problem, the question is ‘how will movie theatres sustain with no finances until the situation gets normal?’

Many theatre owners have now started converting their theatres into marriage halls or shopping malls. But do we as the audience wish to see theatres gradually disappear? Certainly not. The magic of watching a movie on the big screen is incomparable and some things in life must never be replaced, just like our theatres.

The Theatre Project has been a part of the film exhibition business for over 30 years and we have witnessed the evolution of movie theatres over the three decades. We have seen the hard work that goes behind the screens and it only made sense to us to do our bit by supporting those who make our movie-watching experience beyond ordinary. As a small initiative, we are committed to supporting the cinema employees with our cinema employee welfare fund. We are truly happy to have you help us out to achieve this by showing your love to TTP. Keep snacking and keep supporting!
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